Monday, February 12, 2007

what the hell, wheres the snow !!

what the hell i leave Ohio and its about 3 degrees and i get back and its fricking 60 degrees! well i had a fun trip. we left Thursday afternoon and got to the winter wonderland about 9:15 or so. it was a good trip as long as you can get past the bluegrass music playing on the xm. and dads attempt to sing. on Friday i shoveled snow for the first time. that was fun wasn't too cold for me. but when i realized my nose was running down into my mustache and freezing on contact, i knew it was time to go in and warm up. with the snow coming again the first part of the week, hopefully someone will have the side walk shoveled at my grandparents so papaw doesn't attempt to do it again. i didn't get to make a snowman because the snow wouldn't pack very well. i did some riding around with Michelle and it was at that point that i saw my life flash before my eyes not once but twice. and i thought my driving was bad! i did find an antique bed but it was a full size not a queen and after consulting with my antique insider (mominhiding), i chose not to buy it. although it was a good price. for those of you who don't know i like to buy antique furniture and refinish them. Ohio seems to be the only place i can find that kind of furniture at a good price because these people down here know what they have. oh and by the way brandy is only on here because she called me yesterday asking me some questions and i told here that she needed to get on the blog to find the answers to here questions. she seems to think i was going to miss the daytona 500 so she could take the kids to have them fitted for a dress for some wedding. SHES NUTS!! she also thinks that I'm going to get all dressed up for some wedding. i told here to just save the money and go to Chattanooga and get married. or better yet save some money down the road and just live with the guy. but that's just me! I'm going to catch some serious flak for talking about her but she knows she's my favorite cousin. oh and by the way I'm taking a break from the chittlins and collards diet thank you very much DARRELL! just remember my motto "its all pink on the inside".


michelle said...

OMG!! My driving is not that bad:) I'll be taking one of the boys over to grandmas tuesday evening to shovel. I didn't know that the walk wasn't shoveled last time.... Did Brandy honestly think you were going to miss DAYTONA!!?? Is she NUTS!!! Go JR!!! Tell her Sam and I will be there for her wedding..(Dressed up) gotta go to work... It was good having you here. You'll have to come back soon...Love Ya!!

mark said...

well,i think ya used up yer time for few days fatboy