Saturday, May 19, 2007


Georgia Shower:
The shower was on the day of the Kentucky Derby - so they made a crazy hat out of all of the bows and made me wear it!!!

Lester girls:

Ruth, Marcia and Donna


Above: Ohio Shower - Me and my Bridesmaids
Becky- friend from Miami U.
Kelly- best friend,
Katie- roommate from Miami U.
Marcia - friend from church

Ohio Shower:

Coots girls!!!

Georgia shower:

Peg and Joyce - cameras shy as usual

Georgia Shower:

Pam and Niki - My teacher friends

Goergia Shower:

Megan and Judy-

my future sister in law and mother in law

Monday, May 14, 2007

Where are the pics from the shower?

Sunday, May 13, 2007


In Memory of Our Mom:

Here are all your children in one place,
Enshrined behind some glass within a frame.
A picture's like a word, a sign, a name,
Symbolic of a much more complex grace.
Years of memories lie behind each face,
A wild sea no blessing can contain;
Years and years of love, of joy, of pain,
Of mysteries no heart can hope to trace.
Here are all the objects of your love,
A frozen section cut away from Time,
A summit between dreams and memories,
Which you need only look this way to climb;
An icon for domestic reveries
Through which a thousand answered prayers move.

"reject not your mother's teaching..." Proverbs 1:8-9