Friday, July 24, 2009


Well, I didn't go on a trip to Italy - or anywhere else, for that matter. No, I'm staying close to home. So, come along while I show some of the highlights of MY summer......

This is my deck/outside living area. Note how bright and sunny it is. It is like this from about 10:30 a.m. until 7:20 p.m. All. day. long.

This is the view from the yard. I agree, a roof over the deck would be nice!

There are a couple of chairs to relax in.....

I usually prefer the wicker rocking chair with the lovely thick cushion

But, there are other seating options - such as this nice padded bench. (FYI, $10 garage sale find on the pier 1 coffee table and cushion was on sale at old time pottery...SCORE!!)

Helloooo, Pippa. Yes, we see you!!

As I sit on my deck/outdoor living area, I like to admire my lovely flowers...

Plants (this is the dish garden from Chad's funeral - it's a gardenia, an elephant ear and something else I don't remember)
And this is a bloom on the gardenia...I've had five so far! Yeah, the picture does suck. Ehh, it's a cell phone, whaddaya want??

And finally, the tomato plant.

I was eagerly anticipating having my own big, juicy, red ripe tomatoes this summer! However, CONTRARY to the tag inside the planter, this is a cherry tomato plant.....

So, yeah. Red, yes. Big and juicy, not so much. Bummer.

I am also looking at (and listening to) Miss Pippa Coots, who is Queen of her yard - unless you are a lightening bug or a wind chime, both of which terrify her. Be kind. Clearly, she has issues.
We have been practicing time off the tie-out and being loose and free. I'm happy (and very surprised) to say we have had a lot of success with this so far. Only twice has she run off out of the cul de sac and down the street. This is due in large part to a) if I'm out of her sight, I might be doing something and she will miss it and b) if I say "where's my little girl?" she will run and slam all 14 pounds of her little body against my legs. Do you know what 14 pounds at 20 mph feels like? Umm, yep. I have bruises, people.

Finally, when it's quiet and NO ONE is barking and the wind is gently blowing, I like to sit and listen to my wind chime (singular, because someone destroyed the other one). It's a free standing one and there's a bird - no doubt, a ROBIN - perched on the top.

It's kind of hard to see the wind chime but if you'll notice, there's a lovely view of the trash can from above. Details. Also, at the top edge of the picture is a bit of my neighbor's landscaping...see the white rocks she has encircled her house with? Witches draw a white chalk or ash circle around them for protection. It is much like that.

It is a good place to hang out, I think. I like to sit out here at night, when it's dark (except for the parking lot lights and building lights from the office building behind me) and quiet (except for 1-75 and the multitude of airplanes going over) and stare up in the sky. It is dark enough I can see the Big Dipper usually and a few other stars. I'm good with that since all I could see at the penthouse was the fire station and you know, the Waffle House.

Someday, if I ever clean again, I will show you the inside. After I completely re-do it. Perhaps next summer? Ah ha ha.

So that's my summer pictures. Where's yours? What are YOU doing this summer? Post your pictures it blurry, cell phone pics or clear, normal ones.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Shelby weighs 6lbs.4 oz. and is 19.5 inches long!!

I'm an aunt!!

Rob's sister, Megan (remember the girl with the COLORFUL tattoos at our wedding:-)) just had her baby last night! Her name is Shelby, and she is adorable. I haven't posted any pics on facebook yet...I want to give her a chance to post some pics first. But I thought I could post a few on here.....NOW I get to be an aunt...I've had some pretty good role models you know... ;-)