Brandy the pics are beautiful! Glad you had a great time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM!!!!! Chance hope to see you labor day weekend!!
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my MOM. And to let you guys know that provided we have production caught up at work I am planning on coming up labor day weekend. We have been working 7 days a week trying to catch up so hopefully I will get a weekend off. I love the pictures of Europe did you forget my bottle of Absinth LOL. Anyway hope everyone is doing fine, its time for me to go to bed 12 hours on third shift is killing me.
Hey! We made it home safe and sound. Got in late last night. Here are just a few pictures. I think the highlight of the entire trip was Stonehenge! We were able to actually walk around within the circle of stones and take all kinds of pictures! It was very cool to think of how old that structure is and all the mystery behind it! The Eiffel Tower was very pretty at night and during the day we went all the way to the very top! I even used the "toilette" as the French would say...they had bonafide restrooms at the very top of the Eiffel Tower!!!
Just wanted to let evrybody know what my new address and phone number will be..... 734 ridgewood ave. Hamilton, oh 45013
Michael will still be living here forthe next month. He will not have internet access. He will only have basic phone service and slowly the furniture will be disappering.
So we had a very quick visit from John and his fiancee (proper pronunciation fayANNsee) Candi, a visit from Johnny, Jordyn has a new best friend, Candi (they exchanged phone numbers!), Doug attempted to show our hilljack side by igniting a fire with that old stand by - gasoline - and Pete gave a demonstration on fly fishing, W.C. style. Here are a few pics to enjoy:
John and Candi (i can't remember her last name but i believe it was Stohr, Cain or Barr). Candi was very nice, personable and friendly and seemed to find us amusing and Ohio a nice place to be. Sigh. Poor thing. Oh yeah and she WANTS to marry John, he's not forcing her or blackmailing her into it as we had all originally thought. Sigh. Poor thing.*
Pete. Fly Fishing on her back patio.
*Just kidding - it was nice to meet you, Candi! Any friend of Princess Jordyn's is a friend of ours.