Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Here it is....a chance to show how smart you are (or how adept you are at using Google)! This is the first contest....there will be more following, probably every couple of weeks or so.

RULES: READ THIS PART CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS!! Each Question Answered Correctly Will Be Worth Ten (10) Points. All Answers May Not Be Just One Word Answers, So Try To Answer As Completely As Possible. The First Five Commenters Who Answer The Most Questions Correctly In The Allotted Time Period Will Become Semi-Finalists. The Moderator Will Then Determine The WINNER By Using The Time Honored Method of DRAWING A NAME. The WINNER Will Then Be Announced On This Blog. The PRIZE Will Be Mailed Or Hand Delivered To The WINNER. The Moderator Will Determine The Accuracy Of The Answers.

Remember, this is a game and is meant to be FUN!! YOU HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT (EST) ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2009 TO POST YOUR COMMENT WITH ANSWERS. Please post a comment with your answers numbered to correspond with the questions. You only need to post the ANSWER, not the Question.

Okay, are you Ready? Put on your thinking caps and fire up Google!

Here we go!!


1. Which nightclub located along the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood is well known for having been the site where actor River Phoenix died of a drug overdose on Halloween morning in 1993?

2. During the late 1970's, what was the name given to illegal immigrants/asylum seekers from Vietnam referring to their mode of transportation?

3. Since 2003, which organization of the Catholic church has received world attention as the result of Dan Brown's novel, The Da Vinci Code, in which it is portrayed as a organization that is led into sinister international conspiracy?

4. Which US Agency has primary jurisdiction over the protection of the President, Vice President, their immediate families and other high ranking goverment officials?

5. Which organization claims to "have the largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, forms, legal, news and business information"?

6. Which saying in the theatre which means "good luck" is typically said to actors before they go on stage to perform?

7. What is a type of law in the U.S. and Canada designed to enforce moral standards, particularly the observance of Sunday as a day of worship or rest, and a restriction on Sunday shopping?

8. A planchette is a heart shaped board which moves to spell out words or answer questions. What board is it most commonly used with?

9. As of 2007, The Thomas Jefferson Building, The John Adams Building and The James Madison Memorial Building in Washington, DC make up which institution?

10. Until the Eieffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889 at a height of 1,023 feet (including the flag pole), which construction held the title for the tallest manmade structure for hundreds of years with its 481 feet?


Sunday, November 08, 2009


Keep your eyes on this blog.....a new and exciting feature will happening soon!

It will be FUN!! There will be PRIZES!!