Monday, August 20, 2007


Michelle - you just SO set yourself up for a smart ass comment from John with your comment on Tricia's. Girl, you will never learn!

Tricia - I'm so glad you're back and posting. We missed youuuuu!! Great news on the new job(s) (by the way, where did you find your new work from home? the company i was doing virtual agent pt work for said they weren't using/hiring agents from Ohio anymore!) I love my job but there are days when I'd like to just stay home, sit on the couch with my laptop in my lap, like it should be and just work from here. Those would be days like today and tomorrow and the next day.... just kidding. I think. Tammy looks the same....just older. I reckon she's about as old as me now. You can tell her I said that. hee hee.

Cute pics......all of them!

Me, I'm just keeping quiet, working hard, working a lot and trying to stay above water. Wish I'd learned to swim, it would make things a lot easier.

Anybody have any good Johnny Cash and/or Elvis CD's they want to burn a copy of and send to me? Got me a hankering to listen to 'em.

Someone think of an on line game we can start on the blog.
Like a riddle or something like Password or whatever. One person starts it, anyone can play and maybe the first person to get it right will tag another person to play. Or something. Any ideas?

I look..just too lazy to post!

Logan starts school tomorrow (1st grade) and it can't come soon enough. The child drives me crazy. He thinks he is SO funny and is "ON" all the time. Between that and the fighting with that other kid of mine...I am really really really looking forward to him being gone several hours a day. (I sound like SUCH a nice mommy!!) Dylan will start pre-school Next week. BOTH of them gone for several hours a day??? HEAVEN!

Kyle started a job 2 weeks ago and is no longer a stay-at-home dad. I am still working from home...however, my job ends on 8/31. I have been lucky enough to find another job working from home and will start that on 9/10. I am taking some time off between jobs to really enjoy the bliss of no one being in my house but ME. I envision long baths, soap opera watching and book reading...I can't WAIT!

Tammy and her husband and their daughter moved back here from TX almost 2 months ago. It has been really nice having them here. Mom, Tammy and I went to TX at the end of last month to attend the pageant that Lindsay (one of Tammy's twins) was in..and WON! We are so proud.

Logan learned how to ride a 2-wheeler and tie his shoes this summer. Dylan still has training wheelsbut most of the time just walks around looking super cute in his helmet (thank god we didn't have to protect our heads when we were kids!!)

I suppose that's all the excitement here.

Love you all!! XOXOXOXOXO

Sunday, August 19, 2007

We Do Too Look @ The Blog!!

Enjoying the pics of your grandpa's birthday party--we'd heard about it but nothing like seeing pictures. I sincerely apologize for the misspelling of the "scourge of the South"--I admit to the ignorant Yankee bit on only one or two counts. Not much going on here except my new job back @ my old employer, Berry Company. Am working full time again to support our luxurious lifestyle. For those of you who believe that, we also own swamp land in Florida that is being considered for a new undersea development called Atlantis.
Will catch everyone up on the latest once I figure out what that is.