Wednesday, August 06, 2008




OK yes I used to work as a bartender, second never trust a bartender who doesnt drink, because if they dont drink your drinks will suck. Third the bar is doing very well and whenever becky needs my help and I am there I help her out, her bar is doing very well. I never said I wasnt a drunk. I admit it I like the alcohol. Now as for the jealous part, please I feel that marriage is an institution and in that institution you have to be committed and to me that sound too much like being in the looney bin ( to quote the great Gene Simmons). Now what makes you think that my life is miserable and unhappy? I have a great job and lots of freinds, I am happier in my life than you could ever imagine. As for the choice part of your comment, I refuse to even dignify that with a response. Learn to take a joke John Jesus Christ on horseback (to quote my favorite aunt Robin). Ok so if youve read this far just thought I would say hey to everyone and hope to see you Labor day weekend. In closing I would like to say GO OBAMA then next President of the U.S.

Sunday, August 03, 2008



looks like as much as Candi and i would like to move to Ohio, it's not going to happen anytime soon. she loves it up there and likes everyone she met, but her dad got his results back from his cancer doctor and he does in fact have cancer in his arm again, as well as his prostate, and his lungs. the docs are meeting this week and will call him back down to Augusta to discuss what his options are. I've been told it doesn't look good and there may not be much they can do for him. her dad has been though all this before with the cancer in his arm, so I'm not real sure he will do radiation or chemo again. we all know what lung cancer means and right now Candi doesn't know what to think. she has done allot of crying and i have done allot of comforting. so i think for right now we will stay down here where we cant breath the air.

now for the answer to brandy's question about chance and his change of jobs. I'm sure chance did work in a bar at one time but who knows cause he switch's job and cars like he does his underwear. and besides lets face it I'm sure the bar he was working in was losing money. i mean hello!! drunk working in a bar!! DUH. and as for the comment about me and being pregnant.. well all i have to say is don't be jealous of my happiness. its no ones fault but your own you live a miserable boring dark life. that's the road you chose to take.