Saturday, October 03, 2009


Wesley was hit by a car last night as he biked home from work. He has a broken neck, possibly a broken back and has no feeling in his right leg. I do not think he has any serious head injuries. He is in a lot of pain, obviously. I last spoke with Michelle about 3pm so this is all I know at this time. She will call to update me tonight or tomorrow and I will post update on here and facebook.

Wesley is at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.

Please keep him (and Michelle) in your prayers.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


According to, the temperature here in Dayton is 59 degrees but FEELS like it is 60 degrees.

I am glad they are so accurate in their reporting! I was just saying (to myself), "This does not FEEL like 59 degrees, it FEELS more like 60!"

I'm still having problems with the accuracy of the time. For instance, it is 9:27 a.m.

But, it FEELS like it should be 9:28 a.m.