Saturday, October 06, 2007

For Mom........10/6/88

If Roses Grow in Heaven

If roses grow in Heaven Lord
Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother's arms
and tell her they're from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for a while.
Because remembering her is easy,
I do it everyday,
But there is an ache within my heart
That will never go away.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More Road-kill humor

A friend of mine lives in Maine, she recently went to her parent's house in northern Maine and saw this. She had to turn around to go back and take a picture!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Amelia's Address

Dear all--Amelia is at Midwestern Children's Home, P.O. Box 48, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162. We talked with her today and she is very sad and says that she misses us. She went to register @ her new school today--in Goshen, OH. She will start officially tomorrow. All of you are on her "approved" list. I think I may have forgotten some people but she will be glad to hear from you. Keep her in prayer that she makes the most of this chance to change. We are very aware of how very quiet it is here. I'm still working late hours @ my new job so it's not like we're getting to spend any time together...Ray mostly tests his eyelids for leaks in the evenings anyhow. Will keep you all informed as to how she is doing.

Monday, October 01, 2007









*actually i'm not sure about casey and jasmine but they're around there somewhere

Sunday, September 30, 2007

New News

For those of you who are intending to meet in Cumberland on the weekend of October 19th, Ray and I just made our reservations @ the ever popular Cumberland Motel. Best get your reservations in soon! We will be arriving late again due to work stuff. Tricia and Kyle are coming with us! Looking forward to seeing as many of the rest of the Cootses as possible.
News about Amelia--she has been accepted @ Midwestern Children's Village and will start tomorrow. She isn't exactly thrilled but knows that this is an opportunity to make some changes in her life. We are relieved but sad that in the myriad of things that we have tried to do to guide her nothing has worked to this point. We are both very impressed with the program and the environment. She is supervised 24/7 and is in a group home situation. She has house parents with 2 young children, a dog and a cat. We won't have any face to face contact for the first 30 days but are allowed to have phone calls, weekly. Visits will take place at the facility once the 30 days are up. I will post her address and such once we meet with them tomorrow and find out who she can get correspondence from. There is no e-mail, only the "snail" variety. We will be providing her with stamps and addresses for the family and such. Those of you who are in the witness protection program will need to let us know which alias you're using and if the address we give out is a "safe" house or not.
We'll start out with 2 hour visits on campus. Her behavior and progress will determine the visits off campus and at home. The average stay is 9-12 months for exceptional kids who really try. I have no expectations at this point. I just want to see her make an effort to have a better life. So that's it for now. You're all in OUR prayers as I know that none of you are without your own burdens and problems but are still blessed to have one another to crack on. I know it's how you show "the love."