Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ray and I aren't doing much yet--we are still adjusting to not having Amelia @ home--oh, wait--she hasn't REALLY been at home but intermittently for about 2 years. However, we have much more freedom to come and go as we like. She is living near the corner of Wilmington and Patterson (for right now). She has all but stopped going to school. We would like to see her graduate but she is under the spell of a less than ambitious slacker with whom she has been associated over the past 2 years as well. We just say she is in "gypsy mode"--going from here to there, leaving her stuff and getting kicked out of wherever they are when the people living wherever get tired of them sponging . She has had a couple of opportunities to get into some programs to help her get a job, place to live and make some positive changes but can't seem to get away from "Mr. Wonderful" long enough to get anything started. We hate seeing her living like she is but it's her choices that have led her down this path so we're letting her get the results of her choices without benefit of financial assistance from us. We feed her occasionally just to let you know that we're not completely heartless but we're not allowing her to come back home, nor per her, does she want to--so it's working out all around for the time being anyway.
We are going to be working on the house over the next few weeks to convert her room into an office and redo the dining room which had suffered the wrath of the winter with some leaks that have ruined the walls and ceiling.
So that's what's going on here.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

where is everyone?

where has everybody gone? Not much going on here just working as usual and getting ready for VACATION!!!! Cant wait maybe by the time I get back up here it'll be warm and it'll stay warm. Really tired of all this cold shit. Well hope that everybody is doing ok......