Thursday, July 12, 2007


Well, we hear you had a wonderful honeymoon! (I wouldn't know this personally, since I have not HEARD from you since you left on the de plane!)

I guess marriage is like keeping you busy as you are not posting pictures or blogging about the aforementioned honeymoon or anything (except your b-day message to your dad..awww).

Anyhoo....information and pictures are needed ASAP, please!

Also, email me Rob's email addy if he wants to participate on the blog....and how COULD he not?

This is your mission, Mrs. Forbes, should you decide to take it and that's no L-I-E.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who are we?

Who knows who we are? Just kidding, we are three good looking Coots. And I'm sure there are more of you out there. Hello out there to all my family.

Who are all these people?

Ok, I have to admit I am really lost about who are these people are that were here to visit and such. I should know them don't ya think? Well anyway in case some of you don't know, I am the #1 princess to the royal Ray Kingdom and my father is the King and I am his first born. So I will of course inherit the vast kingdom, but I will glad to share the inheritance with the entire family (if I know them)
My husband Tony and I have a large family (or tribe as Lola calls them) of our own and we are definately Abnernormal. This is a picture of my family including the twin grandbabies just born on May 22. My very first granddaugher and 9 grandsons. I am very old at 46, don't ya think. I know I am certainly very blessed. Hope to hear from all of you, Raylene

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Monday, July 09, 2007


The Coots family festivities continued this past week, with a side excursion into some Brooks family festivities.

Johnny, Peg and Hannah came up on the 4th and John, Becky and Bailey followed on the 5th. We got together briefly at Doug's house on Friday night. Jordyn, Bailey and Hannah had fun playing together, while the rest of sat around the fire and visited. Bailey was quite amazed and awed by Jordyn's princess room! We don't call her Princess Jordyn for nothing!

Saturday was the 80th birthday surprise party for Daddy John Brooks. John said he had never had anything like that done for him before and he was shocked but happy! I hope he has many, many, many more!! We had a cookout out at the gun club (which had a pond for fishing and playground equipment for the kids) with the usual cook out food with a couple of was a fried turtle/green peppers/onion concoction (barbarians! ewwww) and the other was a little something called Apple Pie. Not the kind you eat, but something you drink. It was enjoyed by most of us, including John (the younger) and Pete (one sip, but I made sure a picture was taken). Much bottle passing was done both before and after I left. Which just goes to show, when it comes to drinkin', the Coots constitution is much stronger than those biker dudes at the other end of the table. YEEE HAW!

Sunday was more gathering at Doug and Kathy's, with Ray, Lola, Amelia and Tony joining us. The kids again had fun running amok, and there was pizza eating and a fire. I think Jordyn really had fun playing with her cousins and we learned that Bailey is VERY dramatic and will most probably become an actress someday. In fact, she already sings and dances (if you can catch her at it)! Doug was amazed at how good Tony's memory is; he can remember things from years and years ago - however, he called Doug just about everything EXCEPT Doug, including Mark and Darrell. This, of course, amused me a lot.

Now it's Monday and I guess everybody's back at what everybody does. And so it goes for the Coots summer festivities!

(Sidenote: Mike was on vacation in Mexico and I hear tell he caught a really big fish while deep sea fishing. It apparently costs an ENORMOUS amount of money to have a plaster cast made of it, so Mike may just end up with a picture and a memory......ahhh, but what a memory!)


Happy Birthday, Ray!!!

Happy Birthday, Darrell!!!

From the Coots Family
Mom- Here is chance's cell phone number.... 865-202-0428. hope that your trip home was uneventful. it was good seeing all of you again.