Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Okay, I've added two new features....A Clock (EST) and a Chat Box. Both are in the sidebar. The chat box is easy to use....just type in your name and type hello in the message area and if anyone else is here they will see that in the box and respond. We can now chat in real time.....if you are inclined to do so. You do have to click the "refresh" on the chat box to see if anyone has logged in recently. This is the freebie version...the premium has lots more stuff (including the ability to see who's on line) but it costs like $2.00 a month or something. Figured we'd try this out first and see what happens.

The clock is just for fun.

I've added to the birthday list THE BEST THAT I CAN REMEMBER which is why there are ?'s after many entries. I will gladly remove the ? and/or enter corrections if someone lets me know.

It's snowing like the after party at a Stone's concert. I expect to see a picture on here by Thursday of Tricia's kids out sledding or it will all be for nothing!

1 comment:

michelle said...

It did snow after the stones concert in Chicago!!! Your funny Robin!!!