Friday, February 02, 2007


John had a good point on having to refresh the page several times to be able to post or anything. I don't know why it does that, probably because this used to be the "beta" version and they are still working the kinks out. So if you have trouble posting or whatever, try refreshing the page. Also, since I have this in my "favorites" or "bookmarked", I sometimes just go there and pull the page back up and it's usually fine then. Whatever, works for you, just keep on posting!

Still haven't gotten any feedback from anyone on the colors, or the layout or if there's anything you want to see on here. For instance, I can add a "list" module on the side for listing favorite websites you want to share or fun things, etc. I could list birthdays or something.

Thanks to John, we know Peg is aware of the page and reads it (apparently Doug is her favorite author on here) but hasn't posted yet. Johnny and Brandy know about it but aren't likely to post anytime soon. I know Ray knows about since he has left one comment....he may be a reader too. That leaves Darrell, Rick, Mike and Pete we are unsure about. I swear, I thought for sure Darrell and Mike would post on here! Oh well, maybe someday!


Tricia said...

I have never had a problem with the bar thingie at the top. My only "complaint" with this background is that it is dark..and after I look at it for awhile and then look at something with a light background--like my work screen...I still see dots. So it's not a complaint really, just an observance. :)

As far as things on the side..Birthdays would be nice and maybe other sites people like to frequent...I don't know that might be scary!! LOL

Unknown said...

I like the back ground and the idea of posting birthdays. hmm posting sites that I like oops wait this is a family site lol. just kidding all I ever have time for is this one and myspace and my email.

Robin said...

very funny chance. not!! and leave your myspace out of this...i get irritated just thinking about it!