Saturday, February 03, 2007


So I am trying out this layout to see how it works for everyone. No, the pink isn't staying...that's just for Valentine's Day. Well, and because I think it's PRETTY. Also, I added a new module called gabfest (look to your right). It's just basically an audio clip player. Listen to it and you will hear me tell you a little more. It's the only thing I've found so far to do audio...but I am still looking! If you want to call in and leave something on it and don't know the password, email me. I don't want to put it on the blog. What else? Oh, the Hit Counter. See the apples (get it, apples from the family tree?) - they show how many times our page gets viewed, every time one of us comes here.

BIRTHDAYS: there is now a list on here but I could only put the ones I know or think I know or remember or think I remember. You will have to help me out with me with corrections and additions please.

I put AdSense on here so you will see ads from Google, etc. Theoretically, this means we might make a little money off it. Don't hold your breath though. I'm still playing around with it......who knows what you might see next?