Monday, July 21, 2008

Typical American Tourists

1 comment:

Brandy said...

So...tomorrow ( actually that's TODAY....AHHHHH!!!!!)we begin our Eurpoean adventure! Our flight leaves at 5:30 with a layover in Philly, then we will arrive in London just in time for a noon tea!!!! We hope to see all the things in the slideshow as we wander in, out and around, England, Paris and Belgium! My #1 priority is to avoid being pickpocketed. As a means of defense, I am going to try and smuggle some pepper spray into my luggage. Rob's #1 priority is to CLIMB, HIKE and CLIMB some more! I swear...if a tourist attraction has more than 100's like a big magnet draws him to it. Anyhoo...we are both really excited! We will try to find an internet cafe and do a quick post while we are there! We return late on Aug. 1st! AU REVOIR!!!!