Monday, May 28, 2007


Let's all take a moment to remember those who've gone before us; especially, let's think of and pray for those who have served our country.....past, present and future.

Had a good weekend...Brandy was up for the wedding of her friend on Saturday. Brandy spent the weekend here at my apartment and we had a lot of fun and good talks (by the way, you forget to give me back my key). I was glad to see her and sorry to see her go. This was her last visit as a "single woman"! She left me a very sweet card about spending time with "her bobbie". Awwwwwwwwww.
The family had a sort of impromptu cook out at Pete's on Sunday afternoon. I use the term "cook-out" loosely because, of course, it rained. So Pete fixed her famous hamburger and sausages on her George Foreman grill and the rest of us all brought something. Brandy wanted me to fix my pasta salad and show her how, so we did. We made a LOT and I will be eating it for the rest of the week. That's's yummy!
Had a good gathering for such short notice...Pete, Kim, Hayley, Jasmine, Casey, Tyler, Brandy, Me, Michelle, Doug, Kathy, Jordyn, Ray, Lola, Amelia and Ray & Lola's granddaughter, Allie. I don't think I missed anybody there in that list (Noah didn't come..he sent a message to Mimi letting her know this is what happens when she "disrepects" him)! Amelia, Allie and Jordyn had a ball running around and playing hide and seek. Tyler came late and drove himself in his own car....he'll be 20 on June 26th...can you believe it? He graduates in a few days and is going in the Navy in October. Tyler has been working at Lowe's ($8.20/hr...not bad!), he's gotten a good tan, looks really cute and he has really matured over the last year or so. We really enjoyed talking to him and listening to his plans for going in the Navy and beyond. So congratulations and good luck, Tyler! Casey was, as usual, a non stop riot/one man show. He is SO his father's child...looks like him, talks like him and acts like his dad twenty years ago. Not many people escaped his quick and biting wit (including me!) but he especially had fun with Ray, which was funny. Then he ran up and hugged him as Ray was leaving...very funny and sweet! I gave Casey the blog address so he may show up here some day soon and then you can all get the "Casey experience".
We talked about the upcoming wedding, of course...trying to make some plans. We need to figure out who's going and who's staying where. Kim and I talked about her coming with us and leaving the kids with Ron....hope she does, she would have a good time and she deserves a break. I'm trying really hard to talk Kathy into going...she's resisting so far BUT SHE REALLY NEEDS some time to just take off and relax. Let's all bombard her with pleas and maybe we'll break her down. Doug says he'll come with us even if Kathy & Jordyn don't go, which is great....but I hope we can talk Kathy into coming and bringing Jordyn. Princess Jordyn was her usual lovable and entertaining self. It is impossible not to love this child! Ask Brandy, who fell in love with her the moment Jordyn's big blue eyes gazed into Brandy's and Jordyn said, "Sooo, you're my cousin Brandy? It's very nice to meet you!" Brandy and me tried to teach her the Coots trick of flaring her nostrils, she didn't get it but she CAN raise her eyebrows and Jordyn told Michelle (who can also raise her eyebrows) that must be a "cousin" thing. Jordyn also told Uncle Ray she wanted to talk to him about his daughter but she would talk to him later. I very much want to hear THAT conversation! I'm telling you, this kid is a pistol!
We discovered Jasmine has a hollow head....she knocks on her head and it makes a sound! We made her do it like 20 times! Hayley was just being her sweet self, but she was very amused by all of us (as usual). Ray and Lola was telling us about Tony's work having an American Idol contest and Tony sings in it. Doug and me are going to try to catch it this week or sounds really cool.
I think we all had a good time and we missed all of you who weren't there! As for me, I'm taking the day off and just chillin'....


michelle said...

OMG!! I had such a goodtime last night! I don't think that I stopped laughing the whole time Casey was there. That kid is a hoot! Jordyn was too funny when she said to Robin, "Tell your brother your name" too cute.. I hope Kathy and her come to the wedding. She would have such a good time.I have really enjoyed seeing Brandy the last couple of times that she's been up here.Oh and by the way, I can flair my nostrils, so I guess that I am a true Coots..LOL

Tricia said...

how fun!! I wish I had been invited!!

Robin said...

oh Tricia, I'm so sorry! You weren't was just really short notice and I'm surprised at how many did show up! Next time we do this, we'll make sure you get an "invite" (phone call), you'll come and join in all the fun, okay?

Tricia said...

Oh, I don't feel slighted at all..I'm just saying I wish I had been there..sounds fun!!


tricia, robin only invites the people that she likes, sorry, but you know how she can be!!

Robin said...

tricia, doug was in charge of inviting you but he "forgot" who you are. you know how he is!!