Friday, March 30, 2007

SLOW AND STEADY Ray & Lola are on here! Found out last Sunday Pete has been lurking on here for awhile now. Interesting, you never know who's just reading. It's been kind of quiet on here lately........Doug hasn't been posting his usual witty posts that everyone looks forward to, Darrell's been kind of quiet too, just an odd picture or so and John has pretty much disappeared..what's up with that? Mark has also been very low key. Haven't seen anything from Tricia in awhile.

Chance was up here a few weeks ago, saw him for a little bit. He really enjoyed his visit with me.

Woody's will be torn down on 4/11 according the WC website. They're shutting down all the roads around there and re-routing them for the demolition. I've hated those colors since they painted it but it IS a landmark and it's been there my whole life so I hate to see it go.

I started a new personal blog- the link is at the bottom if you want to read it - from an idea I had last weekend sitting on my deck and blogging. I hope to do more of that as it warms up.....sitting outside, blogging and surfing.

Someone bought something from my Amazon store link on my old blog (which is still up & running); made a couple of bucks off of that purchase, so THANK YOU, whoever you are. I put a new store on my new's free and you never know...might make a little money. It's easy to do, for anybody who interested. Once you get it set up, you don't have to do much, Amazon does it all.

Thanks, Doug, for the update on Connie...that girl moves around so much it's hard to keep up with her. I will have to stop in there next time I'm down that way.

Another classmate died last week.......Chuck Chinn. I think his dad is with the fire dept in WC, don't know any of his brothers or sisters. How weird two people I went to school with died in the same week. (Pete will read this and be amazed that someone named CHINN has lived in WC all this time. Remind me to tell you the story of Sol Gomez sometime.)

Well, I need to get off here and try to get to sleep. Tootles!

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