Saturday, February 24, 2007


In my continuing quest to add new stuff to our page I have finally found a widget to play music, etc. that actually works on blogger. I put some EAGLES on here so Doug can listen to it and see if he hears either Jackson Browne or Linda Ronstadt (not!). I put Allison Krauss on it cause that's as close to bluegrass as I have on my computer and I like her music, it eases my troubled mind; I threw in some Stones, Skynyrd and Beatles. If someone has something they want to play, they can email it to me and I can add it. Except rap, alternative, stupid boy bands or anything by anyone named Brittany, Justin or Jessica. By the way, that's not censorship, that's just good taste.

The box widget also will take JPEGs and Podcasts. So you know, pictures and videos can be uploaded to it also.


Brandy said...

LOVE the Alison Krauss!!! Good pick!

michelle said...

what's wrong with Justin?! he's bringin sexy back!!

mark said...

well,when he brings sexy back,he can leave her here and go away

Robin said...

lol @ mark.

Unknown said...

First of all I brought sexy back. So you didnt say anything about Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Tool, stuff like that, because thats what I listen too.