Tuesday, November 17, 2009



Tyler is being deployed tonight (8:30 p.m. CST), heading for Iraq. I talked to him on the phone Sunday night at Pete's.

Tyler said his job will be Recovery and he will be going out to get troops who have broken down or left stuff behind.

He is nervous about going to Iraq but hopes it will be safer than Afghanistan.

He thinks he should have his email set up by Christmas but doesn't know. He does have the email addresses for Pete, Me, Peg and Lola so he can email us as soon as it's available. I will email him the blog address then so he can stay in touch with all of us. He will use calling cards to talk with his parents and Pete until then.

I told him we love him and we'll all be thinking about him and I know it'll be fine and he'll come home safe.

I remember when I was a kid and I would hear the song, Billy Don't Be A Hero, playing on the school bus radio. I woke up thinking about that song this morning.

Please God, let him come home safe.