Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Those of you on facebook know Kim's son, Noah, had a bicycle accident yesterday and fractured his skull.

Noah came home from the hospital today and Kim says he is feeling better. He wasn't feeling too well this morning and had some trouble eating because it hurt to open and close his jaw. They also ran some more tests, including a hearing test.

Noah does have some hearing loss. He will have to wear a neck brace for 4 weeks and he has some other restrictions. He'll go back to school next week. They said it could take up to a year for the skull to heal so he will have to be extra careful not to re-injure himself.

I'm sure one of those precautions will be for him to ALWAYS wear his helmet when riding his bike.

He's a very lucky little boy (but he sure did look pitiful laying there in the hospital bed with that neck brace on)!

1 comment:

michelle said...

oh my god no I didnt see that post on fb. poor little thing.I'll have to send him a card and a matchbox car.....