Monday, June 29, 2009

Lack of sleep...

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, i met a girl. No, you started reading, now you have to finish, jackass... Anyway, while i still have your attention, i met a girl named Danielle Bradbury. She's very sweet, nice, cute, and a lotta other things, but to the point... We met almost a month and a half ago. We started going out almost a month ago, the fifth of june to be exact. We've been on each others minds constantly for the past month. We've spent many sleepless nights thinking bout each other and our future together(hopefully). Anyways, we'd stay on the computer till like 5 in the morning chatting over myspace, or Yahoo I.M. The moral of my story... SEND ME SOME DAMN NYQUIL! I'M FRICKIN TIRED OVER HERE! Thank you and have a nice day. :)


Spartan said...

lol, i was obviously just playin. Seriously though, i gots a new girlfriend and i ish sooooo frickin excited!! Woot...

Anonymous said...

Your a dork. You got a job yet. According to Mom you have 5 months.