Monday, October 13, 2008


The Brunswick stew sounds good--don't know what it is but we've all eaten mystery meals before; chili is always a good standby. Keep those suggestions coming--we'll all bring some snacks given the wide variety of dietary requirements. Just talked to Darrell and they will be responsible for one dinner, you can do one and we'll bring the breakfast fixins'! Can't wait--really looking forward to getting out of Dodge!


Brandy said...

Sounds great! Let's do the chili/Brunswick Stew on Saturday night, since I will be getting there a little later than you guys on Friday night.

michelle said...

brunswick stew is kinda like veg soup only thicker and just with meat potatoes and caarrots It's really good if she doesn't put peas in there ..... YUCK!!!!!!
Wish I was going to be there. Have fun!!!!