Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, we got our electric back on thursday(i think). So no more poopy in the woods. Within two hours of getting our electric back, the dumb farmer across the road ran his corn picker into the telephone pole and knocked out the phone line. the phone company came out and said the pole had a hot wire so we would have to wait for DP&L to come out. So i guess they came out yesterday (tuesday), because we now have our phone back today! Now we only have to wait on ALLSTATE INS. to get their sorry slow asses out here. They said that they have priorities! Such as people that are unable to live in their homes have to come first. And i told them bullshit! I am their highest priority and they better damn well recognize it! Like i give a rat's ass about anybody else! Anyway, to make a long story short, now they say they might not come out, just want us to fax them some estimates and e-mail some pictures. Why the hell didn't they say that a week ago. ALSO, sunday's newspaper had a picture of an eighty year old lady holding up a sign that said: DP&L SUCKS!, she said she hadn't been honked at that much since she was sixteen.

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