Thursday, March 06, 2008


एवर थिंस इ हद माय तीफ पुल्लेद , इ हवे हद त्वुब्ब्ले ठायीं ठेर्तैन वोर्ड्स, एंड अल्सो आईटी हाथ अफ्फेक्टेद माय टाइपिंग


Massey Ferguson said...

Well,I see you got your new teeth! Keep them in, DON'T take'em out and you'll be back to normal in the morning.

johnbr76 said...

i taught i saw a puddy tat!!

Robin said...

he'll never be "back" to normal since he was never normal to begin with. he doesn't have his teeth yet but he HAS apparently learned to type in arabic. i hope pete doesn't see this.