Thursday, December 06, 2007


oh robin how you try and fire me up. well its not going to work. i mean lets be honest here most of all those stupid polls lean to the left anyway. not to mention that if you really had any sense ( and I'm guessing you don't since you insist on voting Democrat), you would know that out of the millions of voters in this country, they only surveyed maybe 100,000 people and they probably told them who to say they were voting for. so my point is IT DON'T FRICKING MATTER. who gives to shits about what the people in Ohio or Georgia think. because unless your going to win by majority ( like bush did the first time), then your going to win by electoral votes which means Iowa and new Hampshire and whatever other states will really decide who runs the show. speaking of which i have yet to figure out or google why a state as small and shitty as n.h. gets that may electoral votes. hmmmmmm.


mark said...

to shits?you must be republican!and by the way,cute earring john,i thot you were chance for a minute!

Robin said...

**rolls her eyes at mark and shakes her head****

john, did you really, did you really, did you REALLY write "like bush did the first time"???? i'm a little confused here. are you perhaps referring to the election where he CHEATED by having his BROTHER (then conveniently the gov'nor of florida, wink wink)diddlying the votes in his state? this would be the same election that we, who actually live in reality, refer to as the one GORE won. the same election that, because of that dog & pony show, brought us to the edge and over into the hell we all now know as republican giggly-ga. MUST i explain the four horsemen of the apocalypse to you again???

johnbr76 said...

first off.. MARK LICK ME!!

secondly,robin kiss my republican ass. he didnt cheat it's not his fault that south florida is full of a bunch of old shits who cant punch a fucking pencil thru a fucking hole. and holy shit i'm glad that fucker gore wasnt in office when 9/11 happened cause if he had been we would be in worse shape than we are now. its the democrate's fault it happened in the first place. that bent dick clinton had his chance to get osama and he blew it just like monica did.

thanks for ruining my day.

oh and mark LICK ME AGAIN!!

mark said...

ya know of course that when people use language like that they just trying to divert people fromt the the fact that they are LYING.