Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well, I don't know why no one but Darrell and me have posted anything this week.....I doubt any of you are any busier than me. Besides, I see you looking and if you be looking, you can be posting.

I have received NO emails regarding my previous post about doing something special for our one year blog anniversary. What a surprise.

So what I propose is that EACH of you take a picture of your immediate family in front of, beside of, or around your Christmas tree/decorations. I say immediate family because some of you have enough family to go around the tree in Rockefeller Center. Then once you have the picture downloaded onto your computer, email it to DARRELL so he can do us up a little slideshow (surprise, Darrell!) and I will provide an appropriate post for it. By "appropriate", I mean witty or touching or both. I may even write you a little Christmas story if you act nice.

I'd like to think it goes without saying these pictures should be in good nose picking, middle finger raising or hilljack posing please. Having said that, I'm sure we'll be bombarded with exactly those types of pictures. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Move it along now, nothing to see here.

Please submit these pictures to Darrell no later than the 15th of December so he can assemble them. Yes, I did say the 15th of December. You got the camera, you got the computer, you got clothes (which you ARE required to wear) and you got your trees up. Gather round, snap the picture and email it. Doesn't have to be's the Coots Connection, not America's Next Top Model Family.

For those of us around here without a digital camera, I'm sure Ray will be glad to come round and play photographer. I love delegating, I mean volunteering people to do stuff.

Darrell, I'm thinking Elvis for the Xmas music for the slide show. I'm also partial to Nat King Cole. You can also never go wrong with TSO. Just a few suggestions.

Now then, don't you wish you'd been posting all week so I didn't have to go all Moderator #1 on your asses?

Uh huh.


Massey Ferguson said...

1.Do not send pic's to me.
2.Send them to Robin.
3.Robin it was your idea, so you get to run with it.
4.Robin, stop the little suprises to me or you will suffer the wrath of the BIG BAD MODERATOR!

Now THAT'S Delagating!

michelle said...

No Camera, No computer and No tree.....Have to sneak and do this at work...Talk at you later

Robin said...

he's just kidding. really. he WANTS you to send him your pics. (i accidentally misspelled that "prics", which made me laugh & laugh & laugh,but then i went back & changed it). what is life without surprises?
why do i have to do all the work? and besides, BBM, it's not like anyone WILL actually send any pics! (i did it again! cracking myself up!)

Brandy said...

BBM is funny!!!!