Thursday, April 19, 2007


Ok, what's been going on? No one has posted anything since Brandy last week.

Surely, someone has SOMETHING to say.

I don't really. Been working a lot this week and been really tired (as usual). Ready for a nice long spring before summer hits. Probably not gonna happen, but still I hope.

Peg & Johnny didn't come up at Easter because Peg was feeling bad. I hope you are feeling better, sissy! Call a sister sometime why don't ya.'s free.
Plus, I wanted ask you about how you preserved your orchids from Hawaii. A friend from work is going next month and she is interested in how you did it...she does scrapbooking, etc. I keep forgetting to call you (I keep forgetting, period).

Saw Pete the other day, she's fine. Her internet service expired and I don't know if she is going to renew it or not. So, for right now, she's not able to see the blog.

Woody's is gone! It looks weird and just...wrong. Ah well. Progress, I guess. Or the best WC can do.

What's up with everybody else? I haven't even seen Mark on line in a couple of weeks. Of course, I haven't been on much myself.

I saw Chance left a message for Michelle on her myspace...said he's coming back up here in May. Told you he really enjoyed his visit with me!

Well, that's it from me........your turn!

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